Questions to Guide Book Club Discussions

What makes a book club so special is the opportunity for all to share, relate, and connect with each other over the book read. Prepared questions ensure that conversation will be meaningful.

Below are questions that you can use to guide every type of book club discussion. They are organized by book genre.

All Genres

  • At what pace did you read the book? Fast? Slow?

  • How is the book structured? Flashbacks? From one point of view? Why do you think the author chose to write the book this way?

  • Would the book make a good movie? (cast the film)

  • Did certain parts of the book make you uncomfortable? If so, why did you feel that way? Did this lead to a new understanding or awareness of some aspect of your life you might not have thought about before?

  • Has reading the book changed your opinion of a certain person or topic?

  • Would you recommend the book? Why or why not? If yes, what would you say about it?

  • How does the title reflect the book?

  • Does this remind you of any other books? How is the book similar or dissimilar?

  • What were your expectations before reading the book?

  • What did the author attempt to do in the book? Was it successful?

  • Would you read another book by this author?

  • Are there lingering thoughts, feelings, or questions about the book that you are still thinking about?

  • What meaning did the book have for you? What change did it inspire?


  • How understandable were the motivations of the characters? What motivated the characters?

  • Do you know anyone like a character in the book? What feelings came up for you?

  • Which character did you like the most? Alternatively, which character did you dislike the most?

  • Is the main character likeable? Why or why not?

  • What do you think the author wanted the reader to get out of the book?

  • What do you think happens to the characters next? (after the last page is turned)

  • Did the author leave loose ends? What were they?

  • Is the setting of the book important for the theme? Why? How realistic is the setting?

  • Do the characters seem real and believable? Can you relate to their predicaments?

  • How would you react if you were in the same situation as the main character?

  • What makes a minor character memorable? Why is this character important to the story?


  • What did you find surprising about the facts introduced in the book?

  • If the author is writing on a debatable topic, does he or she give proper consideration to all sides of the debate? Does she seem to have bias?

  • Does the dialogue sound natural?

  • Was the book based on historical events? If so, how did the author portray those events?

  • What did you google while reading the book?


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