Why DiSC? An Introduction to DiSC Theory and Application

DiSC is a model used to better understand our behaviors, and how they relate to others around us. The DiSC model originated in the 1920’s and is based off the work of Dr. William Moulton Marston, a psychologist who studied at Harvard University. Many companies have designed assessments and corresponding curriculum from the model and theory.

To understand DiSC theory, start by answering two questions:

  1. Do you see yourself as more fast-paced and outspoken or cautious and reflective?

  2. Do you see yourself as more questioning and skeptical or accepting and warm?

It’s okay if you feel like you are somewhere in between! Most people are. Think of each of these questions as items at either end of a spectrum.


Don’t overthink it.

Answer the questions based on how you behave, not how you want to behave.

The two questions are used to measure two dimensions of human behavior. The two dimensions correspond with the two axes that create the four quadrants in the DiSC map.


The DiSC map has four quadrants and displays letters in each quadrant to represent the four main DiSC styles:

  • D for dominance

  • i for influence

  • S for steadiness

  • C for conscientiousness

By answering the first question “Are you more fast-paced and outspoken or cautious and reflective?”, you are identifying the region above or below the horizontal axis that you will fit into.

By answering the second question “Are you more questioning and skeptical or warm and accepting?”, you are identifying the region to the left or right of the vertical axis that you will fit into.

  • If you answered that you are more fast-paced and outspoken and more questioning and skeptical, then you are in or near the quadrant with the D style.

  • If you answered that you are more fast-paced and outspoken and more warm and accepting, then you are in or near the quadrant with the i style.

  • If you answered that you are more cautious and reflective and more warm and accepting, then you are in or near the quadrant with the S style.

  • If you answered that you are more cautious and reflective and more questioning and skeptical, then you are in or near the quadrant with the C style.

Read more about the theory and about each of the four main styles here.

To better understand your DiSC style, you can take an online adaptive assessment through Wiley, the training and assessment publishers. The questions in the DiSC assessment will operate as levers to identify your most precise location on the DiSC map.

The Profile Report that is generated by the assessment is 20 pages long and is rich with content on how to:

  • Own your style

  • Understand other’s styles

  • Take action to work better together

Contact me here for more info.

(Also searched: DiSC Personality Test, DiSC Profile)


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